
[A Trick of the Light]好人難做





And, unlike Gamache who believed goodness existed, Beauvoir knew that was a temporary state. As long as the sun shone and there was poached salmon on the plate, people could be good. But take that away, and see what happens. Take the food, the chairs, the flowers, the home. Take the friends, the supportive spouse, the income away, and see what happens.

The Chief believed if you sift through evil, at the very bottom you’ll find good. He believed that evil has its limits. Beauvoir didn’t. He believed that if you sift through good, you’ll find evil. Without borders, without brakes, without limit.

And every day it frightened him that Gamache couldn’t see that. That he was blind to it. Because out of blind spots terrible things appeared.

Armand Gamache smiled and nodded to Agent Rousseau(地區探員), then turned and walked back toward the inn, leaving two surprised men behind him. Rousseau that he’d been spoken to so civilly and Beauvoir that Gamache hadn’t done what he’d done on almost every investigation in the past. Invited one of the young, local agents to join them. Beauvoir knew he should be happy. Relieved. Then why did he feel so sad?

His second in command had always been so lithe, so energetic. Cocky. He was full of life and full of himself.
It could annoy Gamache. But mostly he’d watched Beauvoir’s vitality with pleasure and some amusement, as Jean-Guy threw himself headlong into life.

Until this moment Chief Inspector Gamache hadn’t realized that Jean-Guy Beauvoir never really got up.

Then he swiftly opened his hand and tossed the pill into his mouth, then chased it down with a gulp of water from the glass on the nightstand. Beauvoir waited. For the now familiar sensation. Slowly he began to feel the ache subside. But another, deeper hurt remained.

“No,” said Beauvoir, adamant. “Listen, we deal with enough junkies, I don’t want to turn into that.” “And you think that’s what the junkies wanted?” demanded Gamache. “You think that’s what Suzanne and Brian and Pineault expected to happen? No one starts out with that as the goal.”


Beauvoir一直責怪自己在槍戰中幫不到Gamache,生氣為何救Gamache的是另一個探員,不是他。想不到,在每晚重看影片後,他的想法有了180度轉變。他見到Gamache輕吻他額頭後便離去,突然覺得這一吻是告別之吻:「Gamache竟然離開我,讓我獨自等死。」你看任何警匪片,都會見到只要壞人還在,警察都要繼續追捕他們。在處理好受傷同事的傷口後,Gamache還有職責在身,他不得不走,但當事人未必會這樣理智。尤其是 Beauvoir經過這件事後內心變得脆弱,尤其是他將上司Gamache當為父親了。就算心理學家也料不到他有此想法。
Myrna was wrong. He wasn’t upset because he’d failed to save Gamache. He was angry because Gamache had failed to save him.

And he left(指Gamache). As he had that dreadful day. As he always would, Beauvoir knew. Gamache would always leave him. Jean-Guy Beauvoir reached under his pillow and removing the tiny bottle, he shook a pill into the palm of his hand. By the time he was shaved and dressed and downstairs he was feeling just fine.


還發生了一件事,足以破壞Beauvoir和Gamache的關係,讀者都see it coming,但作者會在下集才慢慢寫。讀者看著他們合作這麼久,都不想他們反目,偏偏作者預言了這一點......

(Gamache說)“I know you’re angry at me, and I know you have every right to be. What happened was unforgivable, and my only defense is that it wasn’t malicious, it wasn’t done to harm you—”

“But it did.” [X] slammed the knife down. “Do you think prison is less horrible because you didn’t do it maliciously?



“Sobriety isn’t for cowards, Chief Inspector. Whatever you might think of an alcoholic, to get sober, really sober demands great honesty, and that demands great courage. Stopping drinking’s the easy part. Then we have to face ourselves. Our demons. How many people are willing to do that?”

A chilly, damp breeze was blowing into Beauvoir’s room, fluttering the white cotton curtains. It had begun to drizzle and the Chief could hear the muffled tap of rain on leaves, and smell the familiar scent of wood fires from the village homes. He closed the window then turned back to the bed. Beauvoir had burrowed into his pillow.

3 則留言:

  1. beauvoir兩度鑽牛角尖,先是不必要地自責,之後的想法改變更是扭曲了,但卻因此而從錯誤的自責裡走出來,這是幸或不幸?



    p.s. 醫學已證實,部份人酗酒是遺傳的,酒癮與生俱來,這類人要戒酒,特難。

    1. 酗酒是遺傳的 <-- 這個我信,栗爸是特級酒徒,所以我也是海量......

      見到芝如此享受一本書,真好!我對上迷的一本書,該是 84 Charing Cross Road,感覺像是很久遠的事情......

    2. To inanna,
      Beauvoir是不會有心機了解《六祖壇經》的...... 他沒有悟性(相反,Gamahce的悟性則極強)。

      To Chestnut,

      原來你是海量~ 不過,你父親未至於是「酗酒」吧?只是好酒?我只能一杯起兩杯止。

      你不是也追Hunger Games和City of Bones嗎?是否不至於迷上?我對上一次迷一套書是《三體》系列,著迷的感覺很好。:)
